We Can Come Together – Love Regenerator Feat. Calvin Harris e Eli Brown

Letra da Música We Can Come Together. Acesse as músicas mais tocadas e lançamentos de Love Regenerator.

I feel like the time for us is to come together
I realized that only we can make it better
I feel like the time for us is to come together
I realized that only we can make it better

I feel like the time for us is to come together
I realized that only we can make it better
I feel like the time for us is to come together
I realized that only we can make it better

I feel like the time for us is to come together
I realized that only we can make it better
I feel like the time for us is to come together
I realized that only we can make it better

I feel like the time for us is to come together
I realized that only we can make it better
I feel like the time for us is to come together
I realized that only we can make it better

I feel like the time for us is to come together
I realized that only we can make it better
I feel like the time for us is to come together
I realized that only we can make it better

I feel like the time for us is to come together
I realized that only we can make it better
I feel like the time for us is to come together
I realized that only we can make it better

I feel like the time for us is to come together
I realized that only we can make it better
I feel like the time for us is to come together
I realized that only we can make it better
