Stay Behind – Mother Mother

Letra da música Stay Behind. Acesse as músicas mais tocadas e lançamentos de Mother Mother.

I don’t wanna write a masterpiece
I don’t want the world at my feet
I just wanna leave all my dreaming
To dreaming

I don’t wanna have to ra-ra-ra-ra
I just wanna fa-la-la-la
And sing it like the drumbeat
Is laid back and sleepy

Time, it doesn’t stop to ask you
Why you choose to stay behind
Life, it’s just begin to include you
But sometimes you just gotta stay behind

Everybody wanna save the human race
But do I really gotta scream in that parade
Just put me on a jet plane
And send me off to outer space

Time, it doesn’t stop to ask you
Why you choose to stay behind
Life, it’s just begin to include you
But sometimes you just gotta stay behind

Yeah ya do, yeah ya do, yeah ya do, yeah
And just kick it with your head in the clouds
And stick it to the guys downtown
And just play another song
