Somebody – Now United
Letra da música Somebody. Acesse as músicas mais tocadas e lançamentos de Now United.
Say you’re doing better lately
But driving by my house daily
Like we used to do
It’s crazy how things changed
Did you find the missing piece
When you let go of me
And when you’re a part of our lives
‘Cause it was more than one night
And I don’t wanna need somebody else
If I need him like I need you
Took me long enough to leave you
So you keep tellin’ me you love me
I’ll put you first, put you above me
So take everything you want from me, then leave
Take everything you want from me, then leave
I know you only love to hurt me
Then come right saying that you’re sorry
So take everything you want from me, then leave
You’re only making room for somebody
Somebody else
So, I’m doing better lately
‘Til you came around and tried to ruin my life
You’re not changing my mind
And I don’t wanna need somebody else
If I need him like I need you
Took me long enough to leave you
So you keep tellin’ me you love me
I’ll put you first, put you above me
So take everything you want from me then leave
Take everything you want from me then leave
I know you only love to hurt me
Then come right saying that you’re sorry
So take everything you want from me then leave
You’re only making room for somebody
Somebody else