Eat My Love – Bibi KPOP

Letra da música Eat My Love. Acesse as músicas mais tocadas e lançamentos de Bibi.

If you are hungry, cook
If your heart is empty, your best friends
If I lack love
Swallow it quickly and easily

My heart is pounding, my face is bright
Do you keep thinking about something wrong?
I can’t sleep at night and I stutter
Then what do I do

fill me fill you i got some love
feel me feel you i got some love
feed me feed you with my love
fill me fill you with my l o v e

When I’m speechless
Hold it tight enough that you can’t breathe
If you feel weak
I’ll pat you until it’s okay

Love is difficult, heart is complicated
I’m still clumsy. Is something wrong?
Tell me honestly that you like me
Look into my eyes

fill me fill you i got some love
feel me feel you i got some love
feed me feed you with my love
fill me fill you with my l o v e
