DayDreaming – Missio

Letra da música DayDreaming. Acesse as músicas mais tocadas e lançamentos de Missio.

In 2028 I woke up late in Spain.
Gracias, por esta vida.
Bought a little place, the view is really great.
Thank you, for minding your business.

In 2029 I traveled back in time.
Stanley faked the moon landing.
I made some money, landed where it’s sunny.
Thank you, for minding your business.

I’m daydreaming.

In 2032 the world and all we knew
Exploded into millions of pieces.
New York City tanked and California sank
Deep down into the ocean.

In 2033 I woke up as a tree
And found out what I had been missing.
I’m a willow tree. Happy as can be.
Gracias, por esta vida.

All I can do when my head’s in the clouds
is be here in the moment.
All I can do is keep searching for knowledge
And rising above it.
