Chasing a Feeling – LEON
Letra da música Chasing a Feeling. Acesse as músicas mais tocadas e lançamentos de LÉON.
You used to drown out my crazy
Just by the touch of your hand
We used to stay up forever
Just to make every moment last
So tell me how it it got bitter
I’m not trying to steal all your time
And it’s like I’m watching us wither
Wonder if we passed the point of trying
I’ve been saying
That i need you
But I don’t know it
It’s not your fault
We’re changing
Maybe time just got us both
Baby we’ve been chasing a feeling
Maybe it can’t be like before
Would you tell me if it’s over
’Cause our bed is getting cold, and I
Wonder if I’m better alone
How do you know you know
How can you seem so sure
You act as if it don’t matter
Or maybe you’re feeling fine
But lately I’m getting tired
Oh so tired of your peace of mind
I’ve been saying
I don’t need you
But I don’t know
Is it my fault
We’re changing
Maybe time just got us both
Baby we’ve been chasing a feeling
Maybe it can’t be like before
Would you tell me if it’s over
’Cause our bed is getting cold, and I
Wonder if I’m better alone
How do you know you know
How can you seem so sure
But if we broke it off
Will I find myself
In a bar
Talking about
The one i lost
The one that got away
My mind will be on you
If you’re out there with
Somebody new
And I’ll go mad
You always want
What you can’t have
Baby we’ve been chasing a feeling
Maybe it can’t be like before
Would you tell me if it’s over
’Cause our bed is getting cold
And all this talk of growing old
It makes me scared of the unknown
Still I
Wonder if I’m better alone
How do you know you know
How can you seem so sure